P.S. Keep in mind this is going to be 50 random facts... Very, very random!
1. My full name is Kassandra Rose Calton
2. I was born in Upland, California and moved to San Diego when I was 3
3. I have travled to 7 countries and 11 different states
4. I love to cook
5. My favorite color is pink
6. I have 2 dogs back home with my parents. Rambo and Ruby. p.s. they're the cutest dogs ever!
7. My mom, my grandma, and myself lived together when I was little and it was the best ever!
8. I have a serious addiction to clothes and shopping.
9. I got married when I was 19
10. My husbands name is Trevor
11. Trevor purposed to me with cupcakes that said "will you marry me"
12. I had to share a picture because they are so adorable!

13. I'm obsessed with cupcakes.
14. My best friends name is Shelby
15. I am a reality show junkie
16. I love love love sleeping in
17. I could probably eat Mexican food everyday for the rest of my life and be totally content
18. The first car I bought myself was a 2008 Scion Tc and I loved it so much
19. I am obsessed with YouTube. I can spend literally all day watching videos
20. I still don't know what I want to do as a profession
21. I am currently a student at the University of Maryland University College
22. I'm obsessed with cupcakes and cookie scents. I want my house to smell like cupcakes 24/7
23. My birthday is February 12th
24. I'm an Aquarius
25. I'm obsessed with Chai Tea Lattes
26. My mom is my best friend
27. The first concert I went to was Britney Spears. We went for my grandmas birthday when I was in elementary school
28. I also went to Britney Spears Circus tour when I was in high school
29. I will forever complain about the weather. It just never ends
30. My natural hair color is a light-ish brown
31. I've had long hair for my whole life, and I don't know if i'll ever be able to cut it
32. When I was younger I did soccer, dance, and cheer.
33. My mom put me in soccer when I was really young. During the games I would just sit in the middle of the field and cry until it was snack time.... Yea I was that kid
34. Before we leave Italy I want to travel to Ireland, London, and Scotland.
35. We already have our summer trip planned to Greece in July 2014!!
36. I can only get a tan from a tanning bed. If I tan outside I just get a sunburn and then it peels
37. I love baking
38. I loved making brownies when I was little, and my uncle used to give me $1 per brownie
39. I hate swimming in the ocean.
40. The first makeup product I owned was a Covergirl compact that smelled like an old lady
41. I have blue eyes
42. I looooveee water
43. I absolutely hate painting my nails. I find it boring, and I hate waiting for them to dry
44. I went to 3 different elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school
45. I love yoga pants
46. I've probably had around 15-20 different cell phones in my lifetime...
47. I'm obsessed with daily vlogers on YouTube. I watch them daily. Is that creepy? idk lol
48. I love decorating. If I someday have unlimited funds my house will look amaze balls
49. I buy everything on sale. Food, clothes, makeup, everything!
50. I truly love everybody that follows me and takes the time to read and comment on my posts. It means the world to me!
Woah! That is a lot of facts about me! I tag everyone one of you to do this tag. If you would like more things like this in the future let me know down in the comments. I hope you enjoyed reading this!
Until next time,